DoorBell circuit using UM 66 IC
Doorbell Circuit
Here is a simple and easy to build doorbell circuit using IC UM 66.The details of UM 66 is given in the older post “Melody Generator using UM 66″.
This is a slight modification of that circuit.In the previous circuit
you have to keep the switch pressed for making the IC play the full
music.Here if once the push button is pressed C1 is charged and the
transistor Q2 will keep the IC playing the music till it ends.The time
for the IC to play depends on discharging time of C1 which can be set
by R1.Set R1 to select your time ,whether full tone or a part in one
press.Transistor Q2 drives the speaker.
Doorbell Circuit Diagram with Parts List
- Do not give more than 4.5 V to UM 66.
- POT R2 is not necessary and can be bye passed .But if included you can set the loudness.
1. Tone Generator
2. High Power Siren Circuit
3. Melody Generator
4. Doorbell Circuit using 555 Timer
5. UJT Organ Circuit
according to the datasheet of UM66, pin 3 is output. But in the above circuit pin 1 is used as output pin.